Decorating cookies on baking trays
Do you want to create cookies that stand out? That is exactly what our FoodJet cookie production depositor has to offer. Our systems allow you to deposit material like chocolate or fat compound onto you cookies, in any pattern, design, or figure.
From manual to automated cookie production
Small bakeries still produce the majority of baked products that end up in stores. Many of those products are baked on trays and have some kind of chocolate decoration.
Up till now, the only option was to apply the chocolate manually. However, producers increasingly run into the constraints of that process:
- It is hard to find people
- Increasing labour cost
- Inconsistent looks
- Large differences in weight

Increase your cookie decorating productivity
FoodJet chocolate depositors solve all of the above. And on top of that, you will increase your output considerably. Customers who use the FoodJet's cookie production system to decorate their baking trays finished their production runs 10 times as fast as before.
Interested in the opportunities that the FoodJet decoration depositor can have for you cookie production process?
Fewer people, less hassle
Many producers share one common problem: where to find people to staff their production. And particularly for cookie decoration processes, where to find people skilled enough to apply consistent designs. A depositor always shows up for work and delivers identical designs, every day, all day.
Unique cookie designs
You can create and store an unlimited number of designs with the FoodJet Designer Studio software. Then, if you want to change an image, you just load the file, and off you go. No mechanical changes, no tooling, no hassle. You can even mix different designs on a single tray.

Clear vision for difficult tasks
Typically, products are not perfectly aligned on the baking trays. This is one of the main reasons why the decoration process is very hard to automate. FoodJet uses its smart vision technology to detect the position and possible rotation of each individual product. Therefore, each deposit is applied right where you want it.
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About FoodJet:
FoodJet is the leading company in precision depositing of liquid foodstuff. Since the turn of the century we offer our services to the bakery and confectionary industry. We are always one step ahead when it comes to helping our clients solve their depositing challenges. Supplying our systems to the leading food processors in the world, more and more companies trust FoodJet with improving their product quality and decreasing their cost of production.
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