Upgrade your production with the jam depositor

Jam is used as a topping for many products. However, in many cases, the use is limited, due to the lack of proper jam or jelly machinery for applying this type of material which is caused by the thick and sticky consistence of jams and jellies. This is not the case with the jam depositors of FoodJet. FoodJet has extensive experience applying a wide range of marmalade and jelly type of materials.

Biscuits covered with jam by a FoodJet marmalade depositor
FoodJet jam depositor

Surface covered cookies

As with many products, the looks can make or break the consumer experience. For example, with marmalade biscuits. You do not want the material to be piled in the center. Nor do you want the jam to be running off the side. Our jely depositor machine allows depositing an even layer of jam in the center of the product.

Cavity filled cakes

Though it seems easier to fill a cavity with material, you still want the jam to be spread evenly. Consumers do not want blind spots without material. Regular jam depositing machines like a spot depositor have a hard time reaching each corner of the product. This is not the case with FoodJet's jam and jelly depositor machines. Our depositing head consist of dozens of small nozzles that can be controlled individually. Ensuring a uniform layer that is applied over the entire surface.

The depositing solution for your bakery

How do FoodJet's jam depositors work? The jam processing machines of FoodJet include nozzles that can individually deposit a single droplet of jam onto the product. Adding to this, our vision technology detects where the product is placed on the baking tray, making it possible to deposited the droplets of jam accuratly onto the cookie. 

What are the benefits of FoodJet's jam depositors? The jelly depositors of FoodJet operate with high precision, which results in uniform and accurate depositing of marmalade. This does not only mean that your cookies look visually appealing, it also leads to less spillage next to the cookies!

Jam depositor in the FoodJet Test Lab

Interested in learning more about FoodJet, our technology, or our machines? Visit our frequently asked questions page. 

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