Accurate butter & cream depositing

A lot of manual labour in the bread industry could be mechanised with the right precision-depositing technology, giving producers higher quality and more or better weight accuracy. This is exactly what the butter depositors and cream depositors of FoodJet allow. Explore the FoodJet's butter depositing possibilities.

Replace manual labour

FoodJet uses its unique jetting technology to spread the butter or cream exactly where it should be. Thanks to our advanced vision system your product is located, and the butter or cream is deposited as if it was applied by hand. Through this way, the depositors do not only allow  reduction of manual labour, but also lead to a more accurate and efficient production cream and butter manufacturing process.

FoodJet MDM butter depositor bottom view
FoodJet MDM butter depositor

Special shapes? The vision system instructs the depositing heads to follow the edges of the product without the need for mechanical changeovers. An operator is all it takes to run this butter depositor. Inclusions? Our large diameter nozzles can handle it all. FoodJet will make sure that your material is deposited as an even and closed surface on your product.

FoodJet's butter depositor in action

Explore the possibilities and results of the FoodJet butter depositor. In this video, we show you how the depositor, involved in butter manufacturing, applies butter on sandwiches.

Want to learn more about the possibilities with the FoodJet depositors for butter manufacturing?  Explore our solutions or visit our frequently asked questions page of you have any questions about FoodJet, our technology, or our machines. 

A system for every situation

Production lines come in various shapes and sizes. FoodJet offers various models of butter depositors. There is always a system that will match your requirements. And if not, we will find a setup that will be in line with your specific circumstances. 

Slice of bread with butter applied by FoodJet butter depositor
Butter applied with FoodJet butter depositor

Discover how we can improve your production

A selection of typical system configurations. Can’t find your product? Give us a call or e-mail us!

You want to increase accuracy, improve line speed and
add an unique touch to your product? Let us help you!