Elevate your ice cream production line using FoodJet technology
Can you remember the feeling of disappointment from when you were a child, after opening the package of an ice-cream stick bar and it was not what you expected at all? With a FoodJet tempered chocolate decoration machine, ice-cream producers manufacturing ice cream can now live up to the promise on the package by creating exciting designs of chocolate on extruded ice-cream. In the realm of ice cream production, this innovation transforms the way consumers experience their favorite treats. Every season brings a new flavor!
Limitless decorations within reach
With the easy to use FoodJet Designer Studio you can create any design you like. You can save the results and upload them to the depositor whenever you want. The FoodJet depositor will print the designs straight away on your products. No need for mechanical change-overs, no need for production stops. Give your ice cream production an upgrade with FoodJet.
Are you interested in the possibilities for your ice cream manufacturing process? Get in touch with us to discuss the possibilities!
Decorate your ice-cream with various materials
There is a whole range of materials that you can use to deposit with our ice cream depositors. Think of materials such as chocolate (compound), caramel or even marmalade. As long as the viscosity is within the capabilities of our systems you can let your imagination run free. The chocolate depositing machine can handle it all.
Each customer a different product
If you can switch easily and quickly from one design to another, your ice cream production process can look differently:
- small batch sizes
- short steps from production to customer
- increase in product range
Multiple applications with FoodJet's solutions
Next to decorating your ice-cream, it is also possible to surface fill your ice-cream. Want to learn more about surface filling ice-cream?

Typical ice cream manufacturing configuration
Simply place a FoodJet precision depositing system over your existing belt and your ice cream production process is ready to go. There are even various options:
- The FoodJet Stationary Depositor (Small/Medium/Large) product range. It is designed for use in a fixed position over the production conveyor.
- The FoodJet Moveable Depositor (Small/Medium/Large) product range. These are a C-shaped frames. They can be moved offline for e.g. cleaning purposes.
Do you want to give your ice cream manufacturing process an upgrade? Add a FoodJet depositor to your ice cream production line. A typical ice cream depositor could look as follows:
You want to increase accuracy, improve line speed and
add an unique touch to your product? Let us help you!